The Administration’s Shameful Flores Rule Endangers Children

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Washington, D.C., August 21, 2019—Today the Administration announced a final rule that would weaken protections for migrant children and make it easier to imprison them and their families for longer periods of time. More than two decades … Continued

Despite ‘Relentless’ Assault by Corporate America, Gallup Poll Shows Support for Unions at Near 50-Year High

Posted at Published on Thursday, August 29, 2019 by Common Dreams “The labor movement has a powerful wind at its back. And we will carry this momentum into new organizing campaigns and our work in the 2020 elections.” By … Continued

Leaked UN Draft Report Warns Rising, Warming Oceans ‘Poised to Unleash Misery’ Worldwide

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Published on Thursday, August 29, 2019 by Common Dreams The assessment details anticipated declines in fish stocks as well as increases in damage by superstorms and displacement due to rising seas By Jessica Corbett, staff writer A … Continued

Economics That Works for All: An Introductory Course—Tuesdays from September 17 Through December 10

From Keystone Research Center ( Have you always wanted to know more about economics? Do you want to learn about innovative policies that have been proven to bring economic benefits to the people & communities you serve? Your opportunity arrives … Continued

Viral Video of Mississippi Voting Machine Changing Man’s Vote Prompts Calls for Paper Ballots and Election Security Reform

Posted at Published on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 by Common Dreams “These machines should not be used in a democracy.” By Julia Conley, staff writer An Election Day volunteer assists a man at the voting machines at the Stephen … Continued

Plug the Profiteering Hole: The Problem with Watered-Down Versions of Medicare for All—Part 2

From Faith in Healthcare ( The Medicaid “managed care” story told in Part One, where billions of taxpayer dollars are spent paying private corporations that regularly cut corners and fail to provide promised care, is mirrored by the tale of … Continued