Proposed Changes to SNAP Could Leave 1 Million Children Without Access to Free School Meals

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Posted at Statement attributed to Jim Weill, president, Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) WASHINGTON, October 17, 2019 — A surprise release of data that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) should have disclosed earlier underscores the deep harm … Continued

Tell Oil Company CEOs that Arctic Drilling is Bad for Business

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( Recently an ad in The Wall Street Journal put companies like Chevron, ExxonMobile and ConocoPhillips on notice: we will hold accountable corporations who consider drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. We let them know you’re watching … Continued

Tell Our Senators to Vote for the Arctic Refuge Protection Act

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From PennEnvironment ( The U.S. House of Representatives has voted to protect Arctic wildlife from destructive drilling. Now, it’s the Senate’s turn. With a bipartisan vote, the House passed the Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection Act, which will end … Continued

What does Your Denomination Say About Criminal Justice?

Click on the links below to learn more about what each specific denomination has to say about the criminal justice system:   United Methodist Church – Criminal Justice Reform   Episcopal Church- The 2018 Episcopal Church Policy for Action Handbook … Continued

New Study Warns 5 Billion People Could Face Higher Risk of Climate-Related Coastal Storms, Water Pollution, and Crop Losses by 2050

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Published on Thursday, October 10, 2019 by Common Dreams Posted at “If we continue on this trajectory, ecosystems will be unable to provide natural insurance in the face of climate change-induced impacts on food, water, and infrastructure.” By Jessica … Continued

Poor People’s Campaign Multi-State M.O.R.E. Tour—PA Scheduled for April 2020

From the Poor People’s Campaign ( Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, fellow national co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign (PPC): A National Call for Moral Revival, and Rev. Dr. William Barber recently held a press conference at National City Christian Church … Continued