Tell Congress: Ensure that Next Round COVID-19 Legislation Protects the Most Vulnerable

From the Coalition on Human Needs ( Congress has taken the first steps to respond to the fast-moving global pandemic by passing the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which will provide immediate paid sick leave and paid family leave to … Continued

Urge Congress to Enhance Global Health Security

From Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA ( Go to to encourage your federal lawmakers to improve U.S. response to pandemics. (NOTE: You do not need to be Lutheran to use this! Since a bipartisan group of U.S. representatives introduced … Continued

PA Department of Aging Resource for Help with Shelter for Seniors, People with Disabilities

The PA Department of Aging would like to share that consumers can contact LINK for help with shelter. More information is below: Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC) are a nationwide effort to take a seamless approach in the way we … Continued

Find PA Department of Human Services COVID-19 Guidance

The PA Department of Human Services guidance page is at Keep up-to-date on guidance–media releases: GUIDE: PA’s Response to COVID-19 Questions about COVID-19? Call 1-877-PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258) LIVE daily briefings from the PA Department of Health: or COVID-19 Operational Recommendations for Child Care Providers … Continued