Urge Support for the State Food Purchase Program as Lawmakers Build the State Budget

Thanks to Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania for sharing this alert. As Christians, we pray for daily bread, not just for ourselves, but for our neighbors. We believe we are called to act for a just world, where all are fed. … Continued

Tell Congress—Fund Community Gun Violence Prevention Programs During COVID-19 Crisis

From Amnesty International USA (http://www.amnestyusa.org): This is a pandemic. And this is urgent. Communities of color — already disproportionately impacted by gun violence — are also being hit the hardest by COVID-19. And COVID-19 is making the gun violence crisis … Continued

Tell the Governor and General Assembly Training/Funding on Sanitary Practices Needed to Reopen Child Care Facilities

From Pre-K for PA (http://www.prekforpa.org/): In Week 2 – over 1,500 advocates sent nearly 5,000 messages to PA policymakers. Your voice continues to make a difference! Our week #3 message emphasizes the cleaning support early learning programs need to reopen.  … Continued

Chairs DeFazio, Napolitano Introduce Legislation to Block Implementation of Administration’s Dirty Water Rule

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The administration’s Dirty Water Rule would roll back bipartisan clean water protections for streams, rivers, and wetlands, jeopardizing access to clean water for millions of Americans in the middle of a global pandemic Washington, D.C. –Chair of the House Committee on … Continued

Direct Relief Demanded for Hard-Hit US Families as Depression-Level Unemployment Tops 33 Million

Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/05/07/direct-relief-demanded-hard-hit-us-families-depression-level-unemployment-tops-33 Published on Thursday, May 07, 2020 by Common Dreams “Washington must not abandon working people.” By Julia Conley, staff writer People wait for food being distributed at Common Pantry in Harlem on April 20, 2020 in New … Continued