Sign Petition Supporting FDA Decision to Ban Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars

From the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids ( Huge news: The FDA announced that it intends to ban menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars — a critical first step toward ending decades of predatory marketing by Big Tobacco to kids and Black … Continued

Tell Congress: The Gun Industry Must Face Accountability

From the Juggernaut Project ( Sixteen years ago the Bush Administration gave the gun industry all but blanket immunity against civil lawsuits for deaths and injuries caused by the “criminal or unlawful misuse” of their products. The Protection of Lawful … Continued

‘Just Give People Money’: Study Finds Covid Survival Checks Reduced Food Insecurity, Alleviated Anxiety

Posted at Published on Wednesday, June 02, 2021 by Common Dreams “It turns out, relieving a lot of everyday hardship can be done very simply and directly by giving poor people money and support. Who knew?” By Jake Johnson, … Continued

‘Landslide Victory for Climate Justice’: Court Rules Shell Must Cut CO2 Emissions 45% by 2030

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Posted at Published on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 by Common Dreams “This is a turning point in history,” said an attorney who noted that the ruling “may also have major consequences for other big polluters.” By Jessica Corbett, staff … Continued