Asian American Community Statement—Hate/Bias Crimes Will Be Investigated Thoroughly

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It has come to the attention of state officials that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, across the country, hate/bias crimes and incidents targeting members of the Asian American Community have increased.  These crimes are based upon misinformation regarding COVID-19; however, the impact on the victims of these crimes are real and immeasurable.  In view of this, the Pennsylvania State Police would like to reassure the members of the Asian American Communities that they are taking allegations of hate/bias crimes and incidents with the seriousness they deserve.  “Every allegation of hate/bias crimes and incidents against Asian Americans and other minority groups will be investigated thoroughly.”

Furthermore, the Pennsylvania State Police would like your assistance in disseminating the attached document to the members of these communities, as well as your other community and law enforcement partners so that our message can go even further.  The State police would like to encourage Asian Americans to report any and all instances of hate or bias crimes that they may have witnessed, or been a victim of.  The State police is equipped to communicate with the victims in multiple languages.

Read the statement.

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