Adopt Five Voters to Help Get Out the Vote

From the Coalition on Human Needs (

Not in generations has our country felt so divided. It seems that every day our safety and our freedoms are under attack by an extreme right-wing that puts ideology over human needs.

We can’t give up. Just as in 2020, CHN is partnering with Vote Forward to contact voters in critical states and congressional districts to help Get Out the Vote in this critical midterm election, which is now less than 4 months away. This is a nonpartisan effort to remind voters that their votes matter, so they should make their own choices and vote.

Go to to write to 5 voters in a state or district of your choice.

Do you want to reach voters in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, New Hampshire or Pennsylvania where critical Senate races will decide the fate of the Senate? Or, what about swing districts in Texas, Nevada, North Carolina, or Florida where redistricting of congressional districts holds immense consequences of who controls the House next year?

If you’ve already adopted 5 voters, how about adopting 5 more? The future of our society and our very democracy is at stake.

Click here to join the Coalition on Human Needs and our allies at Vote Forward in taking action today to help Get Out the Vote in this 2022 midterm election!

Thank you for being a critical part of our movement, fighting for the needs of working and low-income people and families, the LGBTQ+ community, Black and brown folks, retirees, people with disabilities, immigrants, and all marginalized people.

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