We Say Enough. We Are Enough. We Demand Enough. A New Movement

We Say Enough is a moral movement to refocus attention on the conditions that are keeping people and places locked up, locked out, and left behind, and to create a nation where everyone is guaranteed an opportunity to thrive and live with dignity.

Each of us deserves an opportunity to live up to our full human potential. Each and every one of us deserves to live in a nation where our lives are cherished and where we can be safe and live free from fear that they may be taken from us by a society that holds them to be less valuable than others.

Instead we live in a nation where too many mothers are struck by the agony of losing a child at the hands of police. Too many black and brown people are being unfairly targeted by law enforcement. Too many people of color are being fed into a voracious system of mass incarceration that chews them up, spits them out and leaves them unable to find work and live with dignity. Too many are losing ground in an economy that values them least.

And this hasn’t happened by accident. Mainstream media constantly feeds us the narrative that people who are struggling have only themselves to blame for their condition. But we know it’s not true.


As communities of faith and communities of conscience, we come together in this moment to challenge the lies we are being told and forge a new path forward for our nation.

Together we will create a nation where everyone is guaranteed a good job with good wages and benefits that can help their families succeed. A nation where our future doesn’t depend on chance, but avenues of opportunity where our children attend quality schools, our communities are safe and our families are whole.

Together, we will expand our vision for what’s possible and move our nation to higher moral ground.


Radical Truth-Telling

Racism, both systemic and interpersonal, continues to hold large segments of this country’s population in bondage at every level of their lives. Reckoning with this truth is the first step in achieving equity and justice. Without it, we have no hope of repairing the generational impacts of racism or the divisions that continue to plague us.

Through radical truth-telling, those who have been hardest hit by structural racism, and the criminalization and joblessness that stems from it, share stories of their lived experiences in an effort to create new narratives about the history, policies and practices that allow systems of oppression to go unchallenged and unchanged.

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Conscious Raising

This is a critical moment. As communities across the country continue to rise up in anger and frustration, we have a tremendous opportunity to significantly move our nation from a place where poor communities are over-policed, underemployed and underserved to one where every community has the social investments in people and infrastructures they require to grow and thrive.

On Call for the Movement is a virtual space that brings a multi-faith, multiracial community of radical truth tellers together each week via video conferencing. Together – through collective lamentation, inspiration, political education and action – we are developing the moral courage to speak truth about human suffering taking place in our communities, and building a movement powerful enough to bring the world we dream about into being.

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Movement Building

As determined spirits, fired by an unshakable faith in a bold, transformative vision, we are confident that we have the power to create a new future for our nation. A future in which the prison industrial complex no longer exists. A future that guarantees good jobs that help all families sustain themselves. A future with bold investments that strengthen our communities, educate and care for our children, and provide us with clean water, healthy air and a green environment where our families can thrive.

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