We All Live Downstream: New Podcast

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From Clean Water Action (http://www.cleanwateraction.org/):

We did an exciting thing! We launched a Clean Water Action podcast “We All Live Downstream” now available on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. You’ll hear inspiring stories from environmental activists across the country making an incredible difference for our water, health and democracy.

Not into podcasts? Now’s a good time to start! In our latest episode, listen to the story of how an amazing group of union leaders, activists, legislators and researchers persisted for eight years to pass a public health law to ban toxic flame retardants from consumer products. We hear from Elizabeth Saunders, Clean Water Action’s Massachusetts Director, and Kathryn Rodgers, a staff scientist at Silent Spring Institute.

If you’d like to check it out, you can find it on iTunes here and Spotify here. It’s also on Google Podcasts here and our podcast landing page here. You can also find it anywhere you stream your favorite podcasts by searching for We All Live Downstream.


We’d love if you gave it a listen, a 5-star review, and then shared it with your friends, family and followers! The success of our podcast relies on our listeners.

Feel free to peruse past episodes like our conversation with environmental justice organizer Kim Gaddy and her work to pass a new groundbreaking law that will protect vulnerable populations from cumulative impacts of pollution in New Jersey. She talks about her many years of activism and what motivates her as an organizer for change in her home town of Newark.

Or hear from Maureo Fernández y Mora who has spent his life as a social justice advocate working on issues such as clean energy and clean water with a focus on lead in drinking water and prioritizing environmental justice communities that bear a disproportionate burden when it comes to environmental impacts.

Thanks so much for listening and stay tuned for more! Next week we’ll chat with our national campaigns director, Lynn Thorp, about the year ahead at Clean Water Action and what it’s like moving beyond the environmentally devastating Trump-era to a new administration that’s putting our water and health first.

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