Urge Governor Wolf to Veto Tax Subsidies for Petrochemical Plant

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From UUPLAN (http://www.uuplan.com/):

Take a minute from your busy day and call Governor Wolf’s office (717-787-2500).  Ask him to PLEASE VETO HB 1100.

The Pennsylvania Senate passed House Bill 1100 yesterday. This bill provides tax subsidies for a petrochemical plant to be built in northeastern PA (we’re going to help pay for its’ construction and we’ll continue to pay for it in more ways than one).  Construction and the plant will be fueled by Pennsylvania fracked natural gas.

The bill is now on Governor Wolf’s desk.  He has said he will veto the bill.

We need everyone to call the governor’s office (717-787-2500) today and tell him to veto this bill for the sake of our resident’s health, for our environment, and for those future generations that will come behind us.

We need to remind him of Article 1, Section 27 of our state’s constitution – the Environmental Rights Amendment:  “The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic, and esthetic values of the environment.”

We need to get off our fossil fuel addiction, not continue to rely on it more and more.

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