Urge Your PA Rep to Call for Vote on Common Sense Gun Legislation

From CeaseFirePA (http://www.ceasefirepa.org):

During these hot, humid days of summer, our thoughts turn to fall. Which for us means the very brief fall session of the PA legislature. The House has 11 voting days scheduled this fall. Which is just enough time to get some critical work done. Please write your legislator at http://org2.salsalabs.com/o/5610/c/1537/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=26436 and ask him/her to call for a vote on the Extreme Risk Protection Bill (HB 2227) and the Domestic Violence Protection Bill (HB 2060).

These bills made it out of the Judiciary Committee with bipartisan support in June. But then the House adjourned without bringing them to the Floor for a vote. Please ask your Representative to tell leadership to call a vote on these commonsense bills that will make PA safer.

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