Urge Your PA Senator to Sign Co-Sponsorship Memo for State Housing Tax Credit

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From Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania (http://www.housingalliancepa.org/):

The Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania has a campaign to protect and expand resources for affordable housing in Pennsylvania. We have an exciting development. Right now Sen. Killion is circulating a co-sponsorship memo for legislation to create a State Housing Tax Credit! And we need your help in getting co-sponsors!

Right now we are asking our members in key districts to call up their Senators and ask them to co-sponsor this legislation that is expected to be introduced the first week of June in conjunction with The Housing Alliance’s annual Home Matters Day (Tuesday, June 5th). We have already have Sen. Argall and Sen. Gordon as co-sponsors and we are continuing to get as many legislators to co-sponsor before the legislation is introduced.

Please call your Senator today! Find contact information for your Senator at http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/findyourlegislator/index.cfm#address. Below is a script you can user and thank you for your time and support! And please let us know how your call went.

Suggested script: My name is ­­­­_____ from____. I am calling as a person of faith to ask Senator ____ to support the creation of a State Housing Tax Credit. Sen. Killion is circulating a co-sponsorship memo for legislation to create a State Housing Tax Credit. 

I would like to see a state housing tax credit created because even with great programs and policies in place like the state housing trust fund called PHARE and the federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit, the housing gap continues to grow in PA– there are only 38 affordable units available for every 100 extremely low income renter households. 

We can and should do more and this tax credit will create more resources for affordable rental housing that is needed in our community. 

Thank You!

Please call your Senator today!

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