Update: Fair Funding Lawsuit

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From Public Citizens for Children and Youth (http://www.pccy.org):

Students, parents and school districts leading the charge in the fair funding lawsuit have poked another hole in the state’s argument that it fairly funds education for all students. This time, they pushed back on Senate President Pro-Tempore Joe Scarnati’s assertion that when the state adopted a fair funding formula, any issues about the way Pennsylvania funds its schools became moot.

In their response, the plaintiffs made clear that the formula does not increase funding (only the legislature can), current funding levels fall far short of providing what students need, and that only 7.6% of state basic education funding flows through the formula.

Most damningly, the plaintiffs showed that the gap between rich and poor districts has only grown wider.

Know what’s actually moot? The cynical defense of the indefensible by the legislative leadership. Students in our struggling schools are deprived of their constitutional right to a thorough and efficient education.

If your State Rep and Senator aren’t getting the message, make sure you let them know it’s never been easier to read all about it.

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