Thank Sponsors for Introducing State Housing Tax Credit Bill

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From Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania (

Sen. Tom Killion has introduced the State Housing Tax Credit legislation, SB 1185, in the Senate.

Sen. Killion (R-9) is the prime sponsor and the original co-sponsors include: Sen. Killion (R-9), Sen. Argall (R-29), Sen. Blake (D-22), Sen. Browne (R-16), Sen. Fontana (D-42), Sen. Gordner (R-27), Sen. Hughes (D-7), Sen. Leach (D-17), Sen. McGarrigle (R-26), Sen. Vogel (R-47), Sen. Vulakovich (R-38), and Sen. Yudichak (D-14.)

We are pleased to see this forward momentum and we look forward to working with all of these legislators to increase affordable housing opportunities. 

For more information about the legislation click here for a summary and the full bill text. 

We want to thank the original co-sponsors for their support for affordable housing. Your message of thanks will encourage them to continue to push to move this bill forward.

Go to to thank the co-sponsors of the State Housing Tax Credit legislation, SB 1185.

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