Tell Senators Casey and Toomey—Support Emergency Funding for PA Public Schools

From PA Schools Work (

There is no clearer example of the uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic than the challenges local school districts are facing as they close out this school year and look towards reopening in the fall.

Right now, lawmakers in D.C. are negotiating a COVID-19 relief bill that may or may not include vital funding for public schools. They need to hear from you to make sure they know that this needs to be a high priority!

Please take a moment to contact our Senators at in support of federal legislation that would provide additional federal funding for public schools to help them reopen safely.

Between losses of revenue at the local and state level and added costs, school administrators and school boards are struggling to piece together adequate budgets for FY 2020-21. School districts need additional emergency funding from Congress to avoid massive program cuts and teacher/staff furloughs. The Senate needs to take up additional funding for public schools immediately.

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