Tell Our Senators to Pass the DISCLOSE Act

From Faith in Public Life (

When we have the power to determine who represents us, we can secure public investments that help us all provide for our families and hold our heads high. Over the past several years, Faith in Public Life Action and our partners have fought for the passage of transformative federal legislation designed to secure free and fair elections and protect the right of voters. We should all be able to have our voices heard in a true multi-faith and multiracial democracy. Right now, the Senate has the opportunity to take a significant step toward ensuring that special interests, corporations, billionaires and foreign interests do not sway our elections and gain control over our government – by passing the DISCLOSE Act. 

Take a moment to email our Senators NOW at and demand they pass the DISCLOSE Act today!

Our current system allows wealthy special interests and well-connected big-money donors to conceal their spending on lobbying, elections and judicial confirmation hearings, silencing our neighbors’ voices in communities across the country. The DISCLOSE Act would stop anonymous spending in our elections by requiring entities trying to influence our elections to disclose their major political donors. It would also increase transparency on political advertisements by requiring disclosure of major donors who underwrite advertisements supporting or attacking judicial nominees.

The Senate has the opportunity to take a major step in enforcing greater transparency and accountability in our democracy through the passage of the DISCLOSE Act. As faith leaders in our communities, we are uniquely qualified and called to ensure our systems don’t serve a wealthy few at everyone else’s expense.  Answer that call by emailing your Senator today to ask their support for the DISCLOSE Act.

In order to make progress on the issues people of faith care about such as health care, racial justice, reproductive justice and environmental justice, we must ensure our system serves the people – not the interests of the rich and powerful.

Raise your voice with us and take action today! 

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