Tell Your State Senator: No Mandatory Minimum or Consecutive Sentencing Requirements

From Families Against Mandatory Minimums (

Last month, the state House of Representatives considered several mandatory minimum and consecutive sentencing bills. Ultimately, only one bill (HB 726) was voted on and passed by the House. HB 726 requires stacking sentences back to back in some cases involving multiple offenses.

Even though we’re not happy this bill passed, we still feel we’re making progress. HB 726 passed by a very narrow margin (102 — 91). This is the first time in years that a vote on a sentencing enhancement passed by such a small margin. In fact, last session this bill passed the House with a 134 — 59 vote.

Another outdated gun possession bill, HB 1852, has gotten stuck in limbo in the House because there aren’t enough votes to pass it. This is a huge victory! We know mandatory minimum and consecutive gun sentences don’t actually reduce violence, and it seems a majority of the House knows it now, too. We’re going to continue opposing HB 1852 and keep it where it belongs — in the dustbin.

The tide is shifting in Harrisburg, and lawmakers are starting to see that mandatory minimums are ineffective and wasteful — your advocacy has helped bring about this sea change! Thank you!

Let’s oppose HB 726 and stop it in the Senate. Email your state senator today and tell them that Pennsylvania doesn’t need mandatory minimums or consecutive sentencing requirements. It’s important that they hear from you at

We’ll keep you updated as this bill moves through the legislature.

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