Tell the PA House to Vote NO on “Election Reform” Legislation

We need your voice.

The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania opposes House Bill 1800. We further oppose several proposed amendments, including amendment A02957, which imposes an unnecessarily tight timetable for tabulating mail in or absentee votes, and imposes severe financial consequences for counties. This places an undue burden on larger counties or counties with fewer staff each election.

We are also outraged to see a proposed amendment to eliminate mail-in voting. This is a blatant attempt to take away an invaluable method of voter access and opportunity for more voters to participate in our election process. Mail voting is a critical and necessary update to Pennsylvania’s voting system and is used in numerous other states.

The League of Women Voters is a champion for providing access to voting for all qualified electors. As a non-partisan organization we are extremely troubled by the partisan efforts to make changes that are unfavorable to all voters. HB 1800 is not election reform.

Sign the petition at to urge members of the PA House of Representatives to oppose HB1800 today.

Thank you for your continued support of a fair democracy.

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