From Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania (
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As Christians, we pray for daily bread, not just for ourselves, but for our neighbors. As Lutherans, we believe we are called to act for a just world where all are fed. During the pandemic, our congregations and ministries found new ways and new energy to feed our communities. As state and federal supports kicked in and the immediate health crisis diminished, need at many of these feeding ministries began to taper off. Now, with food, fuel and other prices soaring just as those supports are ending, the need is growing again, even in places that are seeing high employment rates. People on fixed incomes — seniors and persons with disabilities — are especially hard-hit.
Please take these TWO actions below, to urge lawmakers to remember the hungry as they finalize the state budget, due July 1.
State Food Purchase Program and PA Agricultural Surplus System
The Pennsylvania State Food Purchase Program (SFPP), and the Pa. Agricultural Surplus System (PASS), which supply much of the food in our food banks and community and congregational food pantries, require an increase in funding. With food and fuel prices driving up costs for our food banks as well as consumers, and federal emergency supports expiring, pre-pandemic funding levels will not be sufficient to serve our neighbors in need. Click here to learn more and act.
Nutrition Assistance for Seniors and People with Disabilities
The price of food, fuel and other necessities is soaring, yet some 78,000 PA households with elderly or disabled members still receive only $20 a month in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Even in areas where employment is rising, ministries report the need remains steady, with a growing percentage of seniors seeking charitable food. Those served express gratitude and say they worry about the fall — when they will have to manage more expensive heating bill son top of higher gas and food prices at the same time federal emergency assistance is set to expire.
Please encourage lawmakers to increase the minimum SNAP benefit for seniors and Pennsylvanians with disabilities. Let them know that the church is striving to meet people wherever they are to share God’s love and grace. Feeding ministries are a real and tangible way to share and show love, but churches cannot meet the need on their own.
Click here to learn more and act.
Please add your own thoughts based on your faith, your life, and the ministry of your congregation.
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