Tell Congress to Provide a Pathway to Citizenship for Undocumented People

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From the Coalition on Human Needs (

Immigrants are essential.

During the pandemic, an estimated 23 million immigrants, including 5 million undocumented people, have served as health care workers or researchers, public health and safety workers, and food system workers including farmworkers. Some are Dreamers, brought here as children; others are here legally due to war or natural disasters in their home countries.

We believe all 11 million undocumented immigrants should have a pathway to citizenship—and providing that pathway, quickly, for these essential workers who have provided care and protected us will be a very good start.

These millions of people are Americans. Period. And they must be given the opportunity to become citizens.

Demand that Congress act and provide a pathway to citizenship to undocumented people who call the U.S. home. Add your name! Send a message to Congress today at

The pandemic has shined a spotlight on the essential work millions of immigrants do throughout our economy: delivering our mail, educating our children, working as first-responders, keeping the shelves of our grocery stores stocked with food, harvesting our country’s food supply, caring for the elderly, and much more.

Lawmakers now have the rare opportunity to transform our nation’s immigration policies. We must act decisively.

This must include a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented Americans. There is no better rebuttal to the hatred inspired by the last administration and its racist immigration policies than to swiftly pass legislation that will make undocumented immigrants citizens of the United States.

Click here to send a message to your members of Congress demanding a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented Americans, starting with essential workers, the Dreamers brought here as children, and people here legally who have escaped from war and natural disasters.

As more and more Americans become vaccinated and states begin to re-open, one thing is clear: there is no recovery without immigrants. Congress must prioritize a pathway to citizenship.

After you send your message to Congress, join us tonight at 6 p.m. ET to be part of a virtual rally to demand Congress deliver a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrants and their families all across the United States.

Thank you for all you do to hold members of Congress accountable and to fight for marginalized people and communities.

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