Tell the President to Stop the Willow Project Before It Spoils the Arctic Forever

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From PennEnvironment ( The Biden administration just moved the Willow Project another step forward — a massive oil drilling project proposed by ConocoPhillips, Alaska’s largest oil producer.1 If approved, the project will do irreparable damage to the frozen, fragile ecosystem … Continued

Tell BLM to Stop the Destructive Arctic Willow Project–by August 29

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From PennEnvironment ( An oil company is pushing to drill in the Arctic home of caribou, polar bears and other wildlife. If ConocoPhillips’ drilling proposal is approved, its plan — called the “Willow Project” — will ravage an undisturbed landscape … Continued

Tell BLM to Stop Willow Project in America’s Fragile Western Arctic

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( Imagine a place about the size of Maine, with a breathtaking expanse of open tundra, countless lakes and sparkling ponds, meandering rivers and coastal lagoons, and the majestic Brooks Range rising in the distance. … Continued

Speak Up to Restore Protections in the Western Arctic in Alaska

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From PennEnvironment ( Right now, we have the chance to stop ConocoPhillips from drilling in 7 million acres of the pristine Western Arctic in Alaska.1 Every creek and cranny in this untouched region of the Arctic hosts natural magic: Porcupine … Continued

Tell the Biden Administration to Reject ConocoPhillips’ Willow Development Plan

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( Today Reuters published that ConocoPhillips is charging ahead with its dirty Willow drilling plans in Alaska despite the recent federal court ruling that the project’s approval had “serious flaws.” The article reported that ConocoPhillips “is pushing … Continued

Update On the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( As we all wait out the political dynamics playing out in Washington, DC around budget reconciliation and an Arctic Refuge leasing repeal, we wanted to let everyone know about some good news this week … Continued