Tell Congress to Pass Retirement Legislation That Protects the Many, Not Just the Wealthy Few

From Americans for Tax Fairness ( Our retirement tax system is broken. Each year, it showers hundreds of billions of dollars of tax breaks primarily on the richest and whitest households. But few of these incentives reach the households that … Continued

TPS Extension for Haiti; Act to Provide Permanent Protections for TPS Holders

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the Latin America Working Group ( Recently the Biden Administration announced a 18 month extension for over 100,000 Haitians with Temporary Protected Status (TPS). This is a huge win thanks to hard-fought advocacy by the Haitian-American community and supporters, … Continued

Tell Congress: Pass Fair Immigration Legislation that Respects Children and Parents

posted in: Immigration | 0

From Moms Rising ( The time has come to reset and rebuild our immigration system and the good news is that many legislators are getting to work. There is now some hope on the horizon for creating a fair immigration process! This … Continued