Tell Congress to Close the Medicaid Coverage Gap and Extend ACA Subsidies to Protect Poor Neighbors

From the Coalition on Human Needs ( Two million low-income Americans are still uninsured due to 12 states refusing to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act―this is known as the Medicaid coverage gap. At the same time, without congressional … Continued

Tell Your Representative to Support Build Back Better and Improve Health Care/Care Infrastructure

From Moms Rising ( Momentum is building for the Build Back Better Act and with it will come some BIG improvements to health care! The time is now! We need YOUR voice, YOUR persistence, and YOUR push to get it … Continued

Tell Congress: Close Coverage Gap for People in States that Refuse the Expand Medicaid

From Moms Rising ( Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected yet another attempt to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA). [1]  This is huge and a victory for families across the country—the ACA is here to stay! While we … Continued