Support Youth Climate Strikers, Support Through Preaching

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From Interfaith Power and Light (

One month from today, on September 20th, youth around the world will lead a climate strike – walking out of their classes and jobs to call for action on the climate crisis.

The timing is meant to influence the U.N. Youth Climate Summit on September 21st and U.N. Climate Action Summit on September 23rd in New York City. Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist who began the global climate strike movement will be arriving via sailboat to New York that week. Find out how you can support the climate strikers.

Faith communities, schools, and all of us can be in solidarity with youth climate strikers that week by participating in local climate strikes and demonstration events around the country doing our part to lift up the urgency of the climate crisis and supporting youth leadership.

In your congregation, for example, you might use the weekend of September 20th to support youth in leading the worship service in your congregation and preaching on climate. Click here for sample sermons on climate from a variety of religions and faith traditions.

You can also join events your state IPL may be organizing. Here are a few examples of what IPL affiliates are doing around the country:

  • CA IPL is partnering with the Climate Music Project in Los Angeles with concerts on September 20, 21
  • MN IPL is gathering at the Mississippi Headwaters to oppose Line 3 oil pipeline on September 21-22
  • NC IPL congregations are participating in the Raleigh Climate Strike

Climate change is the moral crisis of our time and we’re all feeling its effects. This summer record flooding submerged large portions of the Midwest and the U.K. had its hottest day on record.

Youth are telling us: We can’t wait for future leaders to solve climate change. We need you to get to work now to create a cleaner, safer, and healthier world.

It’s encouraging to see this youth movement forming, and students stepping up all over the world to demand action. Let’s support them and seize the momentum to protect our world and their future.

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