Sign Religious Leader Letter in Support of 45,000 Refugee Goal for 2018, 75,000 for 2019

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition (

In an urgent effort to stop the administration from cutting refugee resettlement to a drastic new low, we are launching our brand new #Welcome75k Toolkit and a religious leader sign-on letter. Please join us in taking action and spreading the word.

Right now, the administration is trying to further dismantle the refugee resettlement program by potentially setting the refugee admissions goal for FY19 at a drastic new low of 25,000 refugees or even less. This reduction would follow this year’s already historically low goal of 45,000, of which we have only resettled 18,327 to date. We have a moral responsibility to decry these reductions in refugee arrivals, and to urge our Members of Congress to do everything in their power to have the administration set and meet a robust refugee admissions goal of at least 75,000 in FY19. By law, the administration must consult with Congress by the end of September, prior to setting the refugee admissions goal, which means Members of Congress can and must make their voices heard.

Also, once a decision is announced, it will be critical that Congress and the administration hear us strongly condemn a low admissions goal, so that we can hold them accountable to admitting as many refugees as possible and prevent future cuts. Everything we can do to get the administration to admit one more person is time well spent. Rapid response resources are also available here.

Faith Leaders: Sign on to this letter ( by COB on Wednesday, August 15th urging the administration to at minimum meet the 45,000 goal they set for refugee arrivals this year, and to commit to resettling 75,000 refugees next year.

Here are the top 5 other ways to take action to protect refugee resettlement:

  1. Call Congress and Encourage Your Networks to Call Congress: Click here to connect with your 2 Senators and 1 Representative; alternatively, contact them directly–find contact information at,, Here is an example of what to say: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and I urge you to protect the refugee resettlement program from another drastic cut by the administration. The White House is considering setting the refugee admissions goal at 25,000 for next year, which would be a new all-time low. Please do everything in your power to see that the administration commit to resettle at least 75,000 in 2019. Resettlement is a core American legacy that allows refugees to rebuild their lives. My community welcomes refugees, and I urge you to reflect the best of our nation by supporting refugee resettlement.”
  2. Visit your Member of Congress’ Office During Recess: Schedule a visit using our new #Welcome75 Toolkit, the RCUSA August Recess Toolkit, and the IIC Neighbor to Neighbor Visit Toolkit, or drop off materials. (Print or copy the second page of this document to leave behind!)
  3. Host a Public Witness Event: Even small events, multiplied across the country, will send a powerful message to the Trump administration and Congress that welcoming refugees is moral issue that is important to the broader public, people of faith and community partners. Click here for planning guidance and event ideas, as well as a sample media advisory to advertise your event.
  4. Write a Letter to the Editor or Opinion Editorial: One of the best ways to make your voice heard is by writing an opinion article or letter to the editor for your local paper. Local outlets are especially useful for making your voice heard to officials at the federal, state, and local levels. Click here for samples of opinion editorials and letters to the editor that you can use to get started. An Op-Ed by CWS President Rev. John L. McCullough published in The Hill is also available here.
  5. Share on Social Media: Sample graphics, and posts are available here.

More talking points, resources and materials are available in the #Welcome75k Toolkit, and click here for an additional resource on how to respond to the administration’s misleading claims about refugee resettlement.

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