Urge Your PA Legislators to Support Life-Saving Gun Legislation

From CeaseFirePA (http://www.ceasefirepa.org):

On Tuesday, we testified before the House Judiciary Committee in the last of their hearings on gun violence prevention and gun policy.  At the close of our testimony, we urged the Committee to vote out several good bills that will save lives in PA. We explained that the time for talking has long passed; they’ve had hearings, they have good, bipartisan bills, and it’s time for action.

Help us get the message at http://org2.salsalabs.com/o/5610/c/1537/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=26254 to your legislator: It’s time to vote on life-saving measures that would require domestic abusers to surrender their firearms, provide a process by which law enforcement officers and family members can temporarily bar access to guns by loved ones in crisis, and close a major loophole in our background check system.

These bills have bipartisan support and are evidence-based solutions designed to keep guns out of the hands of people who we all agree should not have them. Please tell your legislator to support these bills and to request a floor vote.

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