Tell Congress to Support/Cosponsor Bill to Improve Pipeline Review Processes

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From Appalachian Voices (

When it comes to the federal review and permitting of interstate gas pipelines, the current process is in dire need of reform. Opaque and complicated, the process helmed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission limits the voices of impacted communities and ultimately favors the pipeline companies.

In response to this ongoing problem, Virginia Sens. Tim Kaine and Mark Warner and Reps. Morgan Griffith and Ben Cline have introduced the Pipeline Fairness, Transparency and Responsible Development Act of 2022. The bill strengthens the rights of impacted communities and local landowners by improving the ways they are notified of a new pipeline. It also improves landowners’ opportunities to voice concerns about their property.

Specifically, the bill would prevent construction from occurring until all permits are in place, put limits on the use of eminent domain, require more robust environmental impact reviews and increase public comment opportunities. Go to to tell your legislators to support and consider co-sponsoring this common-sense bill that improves pipeline review processes!

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