From Moms Rising (
BACKGROUND: Nearly two-thirds of mothers with children under age six work, and families with a working mom spend nearly twice as much on childcare as they did 30 years ago. In fact, the average family spends anywhere from $3,000 to $20,000 a year depending on where they live and the ages of their children. Yet we know that investments in early education boosts moms, kids, and our economy. Making that investment starts now! Senators Bernie Sanders (VT) and Elizabeth Warren (MA) have introduced a spending bill that would increase the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) to $2.9 billion, giving states needed resources to expand child care assistance to nearly 230,000 additional children. It would also provide sufficient funds for states to implement bipartisan rules to improve the health, safety and quality of child care.
Sign our letter to the U.S. Congress NOW at, telling them to make federal investments in high-quality, affordable childcare.
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