While there is a de facto moratorium on fracking in the Delaware River Watershed, we can’t afford the environmental destruction that fracking would bring to the Delaware River Basin were the moratorium to be lifted.
Because of cleanup efforts and investment, areas that were once highly polluted are now safe for swimming and fishing, and bald eagles are coming back. Fracking could use up millions of gallons clean water, release polluted fracked water into the surface and groundwater, and tear up the forests that naturally filter our waterways.
The DRBC, made up of the governors from Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, and one federal representative, has kept fracking out the Basin. But if the Trump administration throws its weight around to influence the DRBC, we could see the area opened up to drilling, and polluters’ profits put ahead of clean drinking water for over 15 million people.
Sign onto the petition at http://www.greenactions.org/sign-the-petition-ban-fracking-in-the-delaware-river-basin to tell the Delaware River Basin Commission to protect the largest drinking water source in the Northeast by permanently banning fracking in the Basin.
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