Urge Your PA Representative to Support the Extreme Risk Protective Order Bill

From CeaseFirePA (http://www.ceasefirepa.org):

Earlier this week, HB 2227 was referred to the House Judiciary Committee. This is Rep. Stephens’ Extreme Risk Protective Order bill.

Rep. Stephens’ bill would equip family members with the ability to petition a judge to obtain an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO). This legislation would ensure due process for the individual, and those seeking the order, by allowing both sides to present evidence to a judge to determine if someone is a danger to themselves or others. Granting an ERPO creates an avenue to have firearms surrendered and prohibits the person who is the subject of the order from purchasing additional firearms.

Can you email your legislator today at http://org2.salsalabs.com/o/5610/c/1537/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=26139 and ask him/her to support HB 2227?

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