Support the 30×30 Resolution to Save Nature

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From Creation Justice Ministries (

We invite you to support the 30×30 resolution to save nature. This resolution aims by 2030 to protect 30% of God’s lands and ocean under U.S. stewardship.

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This ambitious conservation feat will be accomplished through working in conjunction with local, state, federal, and Native American governments as well as private land owners- creating public incentives for lowering carbon emissions and using land and ocean as natural carbon sinks.

The resolution will: Improve access to natural areas with special attention to marginalized communities, stabilize ecosystems which are in danger, implement recovery efforts for endangered animal and plant species, and improve economic opportunities for farmers, fisher people, foresters, and ranchers. Of utmost importance to the Creation Justice community, policy-makers will be required work alongside Native American tribes and respect tribal sovereignty.

Participate in this action alert to send a message directly to your US Representative. God has entrusted us as caretakers of creation, so future generations may enjoy the abundance of the Earth. Thank you for doing your part to protect God’s earth.

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