A New Strategy for Sparking Environmental Leadership in Pennsylvania

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By Jacquelyn Bonomo, President and CEO, PennFuture

I’m sure many of you, like me, are thinking very hard these days about how to cross the divide between our personal views toward our planet’s future, and those held by people with very different views. How can an issue like a safe and healthy environment be viewed as a special interest, when such an issue is in everyone’s interest? That’s the question PennFuture and 25 of our colleague organizations took up this past winter as we sat down to craft the Pennsylvania Common Conservation Agenda, released this month. Our goal with the document was to first unite our diverse movement under the banner of the Common Agenda, a document that set forth a nonpartisan, pragmatic and achievable path forward to make real progress – and in a pretty short time period – toward clean air, pure water and a healthy climate, so our state can prosper and our economy thrive.

Read more at https://pennfuture.org/Blog-Item-A-New-Strategy-for-Sparking-Environmental-Leadership-in-Pennsylvania.

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