Act to Stop Fast-Track Proposal to Open Delaware Basin to Fracking

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From PennEnvironment (

Politicians in Harrisburg are attempting to fast-track a proposal that would undermine efforts to preserve the Delaware River Basin from fracking.

Email your state senator at and call on her/him to oppose this effort.

We always knew that the frackers would use every trick up their sleeve to try and stop a ban on drilling in near the Delaware River Basin, but even I didn’t think they’d get this bold. This bill would classify the fracking ban being considered in the watershed as a “taking” of property. In other words, the bill would require that the agency charged with protecting the Delaware River “buy out” land owners with gas under their property in order to protect the drinking water for 15 million people.1

Let’s be clear, such a move would be unprecedented, and possibly illegal. Tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians voiced their support to protect the Delaware River from fracking. These citizens know what we’ve been saying all along: this dirty industry is too dangerous for such a critical watershed. Don’t let the legislature make protecting our water even harder—tell your senator to vote NO on SB 1189.2

The proposed fracking ban in the basin would be a historic step for Pennsylvania towards completely ending this destructive practice that has contaminated hundreds of drinking water wells across the state.

But SB 1189 could deter the agency charged with protecting our Delaware River, the Delaware River Basin Commission, from taking this stand by putting them on the hook to bail out people for NOT fracking. This would tip the scales towards allowing the fracking industry to drill and pollute in this essential watershed.

Everyone has a right to clean, healthy water–and banning fracking in the Delaware River Basin is a crucial measure to ensure that right for millions. Make sure your senator protects our water, not fracking companies’ profits. Tell them to vote no on SB 1189.

1 David Hess, “Sen. Baker Introduces Bill To Declare DRBC Fracking Ban A Taking Of Property,” PA Environment Digest, June 4, 2018.

2 “Letter to Senate re: SB 1189,” Delaware Riverkeeper Network, June 11, 2018.

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