From Moms Rising (
Your voices have been heard! The stalling of the horrible Goodlatte bill in Congress last week proved (again!) that our voices are powerful when we speak up for justice. But the fight isn’t over! Ryan’s harmful bill is now up for vote this week, and Trump’s Executive Action does not stop the administration from continuing human rights abuses, like imprisoning entire families and getting rid of protections for children.
Tell Congress to vote NO on Ryan’s destructive bill that hurts immigrant children and families at
Imprisoning children with their parents is still imprisoning children. Additionally, the detention of children has proven to traumatize vulnerable populations, decrease basic healthy and safety, and prevent important legal access as families are sent to remote facilities that are driven by profits, not the safety of the community. [1]
This week, Congress will vote on Ryan’s dangerous bill. Join us in making sure our legislators hear from us that we want them to vote NO on this harmful bill!
The voices of moms and advocates like you are making a difference, and we managed to make sure the horrifying Goodlatte Bill did not pass. Your voice is now needed more than ever to stop another very bad bill.
Thank you for all you do. Together, we are a powerful voice for families!
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