Sign Petition to Protect Refugee Resettlement

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition (

Please sign the petition at calling to prevent stopping refugee resettlement. As of Friday morning, January 27, there are nearly 56,000 signatures!

Other actions include tweeting: @realDonaldTrump and @WhiteHouse

  • .@realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse Americans support refugee resettlement: 40k signatures in 24 hours! #RefugeesWelcome
  • .@realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse Keep America welcoming. Refugee resettlement is a proud American legacy with bipartisan support #RefugeesWelcome
  • .@realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse People of faith OPPOSE a religious litmus test for refugees #RefugeesWelcome
  • .@realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse Denying Muslim refugees safety is an affront to religious liberty #RefugeesWelcome
  • .@realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse More than 800 faith leaders are opposed to any policy that would keep Muslim refugees from seeking safety:
  • .@realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse Christians oppose policies that would deny Muslims refuge and preference Christians

You can SEND A MESSAGE at comment on a post on the White House Facebook page:

President Trump, We are hearing that you will stop refugee resettlement based on someone’s nationality or religion. As a faith group, we are STRONGLY opposed to any policy change that would deny access to refugees based on their religion or nationality. Please reject such ideas, as a religious litmus test for safety is an affront to religious liberty.

As faith groups that work with thousands of members of our communities in churches and synagogues across the country to welcome refugees every day, we oppose any plan to reduce refugee admissions and to prevent Muslim refugees from being resettled in the United States. We urge you to allow the U.S. refugee program to continue to resettle refugees that need our protection regardless of where they come from or how they pray. Thank you for your leadership in ensuring the U.S. remains a beacon of hope for all those who are persecuted that seek peace, safety and freedom.

More than 800 faith leaders: “The U.S. Refugee Resettlement program has been and should remain open to those of any religious tradition who face persecution on account of the reasons enumerated under U.S. law. We oppose any proposal that would prevent Syrian refugees or individuals who practice Islam and other faiths from accessing the U.S. refugee resettlement program. Proposals that would have the U.S. State Department disqualify refugees from protection based on their nationality or religion fly in the face of the very principles this nation was built upon, contradict the legacy of leadership our country has historically demonstrated, and dishonor our shared humanity.

Also, we are re-opening the faith sign on letter, so that any faith leaders who are not on the letter and would like to be can sign up at

Thanks everyone. Please note that we still do not know when an executive order will be released, but we are hearing it will happen on Friday. We will continue to send information as we receive it and are still planning on broader action alerts following any announcement that would turn our back on refugees.

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