People from across Pennsylvania are heading to Harrisburg for the first Pennsylvania Climate Convergence on June 11 – 13 to tell our state government that we demand climate action NOW!
Just posted on the site’s blog:
“’This report is a dire warning about the consequences of inaction,” said Hoesung Lee, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the panel’s latest report released in February.
‘It shows that climate change is a grave and mounting threat to our wellbeing and a healthy planet. Our actions today will shape how people adapt and nature responds to increasing climate risks. Half measures are no longer an option.’
Pennsylvania’s government is nowhere near taking half measures. The report came out the same day that the Delaware River Basin Commission closed its comment period on proposed regulations that would give the greenhouse gas industry the two things it needs – a place to get clean water for fracking and a place to dump its waste. Days earlier, we learned that PA led in natural gas production growth in 2021. And when our government should be prompted by the IPCC report to take aggressive steps to phase out greenhouse gas production, rather than allow it to keep growing, our elected officials are cheering the soon to be online Shell cracker plant and the proposed Nacero gas to gasoline refinery, while preparing to turn western PA in to a snake oil solution fantasy land of Carbon Capture and Storage and Blue Hydrogen. Every one of those projects means more production and business as usual for the companies that are robbing people of their health and even their lives today and robbing the next generation and every generation thereafter of their future.”
We need to be in Harrisburg in the biggest numbers possible, but we know we need to express our size in different ways too. This petition is just one of them. It’s a pretty basic statement of our demand because our demand is pretty basic. We want action – real, aggressive, decisive action on climate change – and we want it NOW!
Please sign our petition and share it with your friends and neighbors. If you’d like to be sent a paper copy you can circulate in your community or at upcoming events, great!! Send a message to and someone will be in touch to make arrangements with you!
Sign now!
And please join us in Harrisburg in June! Follow our site for more details as they’re announced.
We have everything we need to save our planet except a courageous government. We can change that. But we need to do it together and, PA friends, we need to do it in Harrisburg.
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