Save the Land and Water Conservation Fund!

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From PennFuture (

Congress failed to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation by Sept. 30, missing an opportunity for a major bipartisan victory to protect America’s public lands, outdoor recreation access, and historical sites.

But – there is still hope and we need your action today to continue to fight for LWCF. S. 569, a bill to permanently reauthorize and provide full and dedicated funding for the LWCF, passed out of committee just two days after the expiration date. Its matching House counterpart, H.R. 6759, gains co-sponsors with each passing day.

With each day LWCF is not reauthorized, we are losing funds that protect and provide the outdoor spaces we love, harming the outdoor recreation industry that provides Pennsylvania with $1.9 billion in state and local tax revenue, $30 billion in consumer spending annually, and with 251,000 jobs. To date, over $140 million in funds have been lost because of LWCF’s expiration.

The most recent national polls indicate that 74% of voters in the U.S. want the Land and Water Conservation Fund to be reauthorized and fully funded, proving love of the outdoors is bipartisan. It’s time for Congress to step up and get this done. We cannot afford to lose LWCF.

Urge your representatives to save the Land and Water Expiration Fund at before the end of the lame duck session. Take action now!

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