New Report: America’s Children Losing Health Insurance

From Families USA (

A new Families USA report, “America’s Children Are Losing Health Insurance, Putting Their Futures at Risk: How National Lawmakers Can Help” lays out a roadmap for federal lawmakers to reverse the disturbing coverage losses that, for the first time in a generation, children have been experiencing over the past two years, with the number of children without coverage increasing by more than 10 percent.

The report explains the importance of children’s coverage to their long-term ability to live long, healthy, productive lives. It also analyzes the major causes of recent coverage losses. It concludes with detailed recommendations about three basic steps that lawmakers can take to fix the systemic flaws that let health coverage be taken away from eligible families:

  • Cut needless red tape that prevents eligible children and families from obtaining and retaining health insurance for which they qualify.
  • Repeal policies that lead immigrant families to choose between providing their children with health care and protecting the family’s ability to pursue a path to citizenship.
  • Guarantee funding for evidence-based programs that educate the public about available health benefits and that help individual families sign up for and renew health insurance coverage.

We are committed to engaging bipartisan policymakers, those who have long championed children’s health coverage, in this urgent effort to stem this terrible trend. We hope this information is helpful!

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