This week the U.S. Conference of Mayors passed three resolutions urging Congress to move money out of the military and into human and environmental needs — exactly the reverse of Trump’s budget. Those historic actions came after more than 20,000 people signed a petition promoted by World Beyond War and, and after several cities passed similar resolutions promoted by Code Pink, World Beyond War, and the U.S. Peace Council.
Go to to take the next step.
The resolutions include many uncomfortable truths rarely heard in Washington, D.C., and are worth reading.
One of them includes instructions to mayors across the United States. They are to promptly hold public hearings on what each department of their government could do if it had the funding now going to the military and on the amount residents pay in taxes for militarism.
They are to pass a resolution calling on Congress to move significant funds from the military budget to human needs. And they are to send a copy of the resolution to their federal legislators with a request that they respond with their plans to reduce the military budget in favor of the human needs budget.
Now you can make a real difference by urgently approaching your town or city or county government with this mandate for them to hold hearings and pass a resolution.
And it’s time for us to take this a step further.
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