Public Health and Climate in the Crosshairs in Clean Cars Rollback

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From the Union of Concerned Scientists (

The administration is using faulty science to justify rolling back the national clean car standards that safeguard our families, communities, and planet. And now the administration is trying to take away states’ authority to adopt their own vehicle emission standards too. 

We have to stand up and support states’ ability to protect their own residents from the damage to public health and the environment that this rollback will cause. Thankfully, Senator Kamala Harris (CA) will be introducing the Clean Car Resolution to help protect state authority on clean car standards.

Go to to tell our senators to protect families, communities, and the planet, by co-sponsoring the Clean Car Resolution.

The transportation sector is the largest contributor to America’s global warming emissions. Rolling back emission standards for cars and trucks not only means more harm to our climate, but dirtier air and a big price tag for consumers too. It endangers our families as harmful tailpipe emissions cause increased cases of asthma and heart disease, among other respiratory issues.

We cannot afford to go backwards on clean car standards. Unfortunately, while your state can currently make the decision to move forward even as the Trump administration attempts to undo progress on clean cars, that option could disappear if we don’t act now.

Click here to tell your senator that you want protection from this harmful federal rollback, and your state should have the authority to act on clean car standards. 

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