Tell Congress: Protect Refugee Resettlement Program from Drastic Cuts in Admissions

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From Church World Service (

Right now, the administration is trying to further dismantle the refugee resettlement program by setting the refugee admissions goal at a drastic new low of 25,000 for fiscal year 2019. This reduction would follow this year’s already historically low goal of 45,000. Currently, less than 20,000 refugees have been resettled so far as we approach the end of this fiscal year, and if next year’s goal is set even lower, actual admissions will continue to drop.

Tens of thousands of lives hang in the balance. Refugee resettlement saves lives, encourages other countries to keep their doors open to people needing protection, and promotes regional stability and global security. With over 28.5 million refugees in the world, we are experiencing the worst global refugee crisis in history. As people who care about refugees, we must make sure that our Members of Congress do everything they can to see the administration commit to resettling at least 75,000 refugees next year.

Here are the top 3 ways to take action:

  1. Call Congressional Offices: Click Here to be connected to your 2 Senators and 1 Representative; alternatively, you can call directly—find contact information:

Here is an example of what to say: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and I urge you to protect the refugee resettlement program from another drastic cut by the administration. The White House is considering setting the refugee admissions goal at 25,000 for next year, which would be a new all-time low. Please do everything in your power to see that the administration commit to resettle at least 75,000 in 2019. Resettlement is a core American legacy that allows refugees to rebuild their lives. My community welcomes refugees, and I urge you to reflect the best of our nation by supporting refugee resettlement.”

  1. Use Social Media: Tweet at your Members of Congress. Here are sample posts:
  • [@Senator/Representative] As your constituent, I call on you to urge the administration to #welcome75k. Our community is ready to welcome refugees & we need you to stand up against cuts! #refugeeswelcome.
  • [@Senator/Representative] will you stand with your constituents and communities of faith across the nation who say #RefugeesWelcome? Don’t let nativism undermine our nation’s values of welcome.
  1. Visit your Member: House members are in-district for recess and Senators will soon be too. Even if they aren’t in-district, you can meet with their DC or local staff and make your voice heard. Refer to this toolkit for resources.

PA Twitter Handles

  • Bob Casey: @SenBobCasey
  • Pat Toomey: @SenToomey
  • Bob Brady (PA-1): @RepBrady
  • Dwight Evans (PA-2): @RepDwightEvans
  • Mike Kelly (PA-3): @MikeKellyPA
  • Scott Perry (PA-4): @RepScottPerry
  • Glenn Thompson (PA-5): @CongressmanGT
  • Ryan Costello (PA-6): @RepRyanCostello
  • PA-7: Vacant
  • Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-8): @RepBrianFitz
  • Bill Shuster (PA-9): @RepBillShuster
  • Tom Marino (PA-10): @RepTomMarino
  • Lou Barletta (PA-11): @RepLouBarletta
  • Keith Rothfus (PA-12): @RepRothfus
  • Brendan Boyle (PA-13): @CongBoyle
  • Mike Doyle (PA-14): @USRepMikeDoyle
  • PA 15: Vacant
  • Lloyd Smucker (PA-16): @RepSmucker
  • Matt Cartwright (PA-17): @RepCartwright
  • Conor Lamb (PA-18): @ConorLambPA

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