Tell Congress to Pass the Afghan Adjustment Act

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From Church World Service (

Following the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan after 2 decades, over 130,000 Afghans were evacuated of whom 44% are children. Tens of thousands of U.S.-affiliated and at-risk Afghans have been welcomed into the United States via “humanitarian parole,” which is a temporary immigration status typically only granted for 1 or 2 years to provide safety for people under threat. This temporary status thrusts Afghans arriving with humanitarian parole into legal uncertainty for the future since it does not provide a pathway to permanent status. We also know that countless vulnerable Afghans were left behind, at risk of violence and persecution. The administration has a moral obligation to establish safe pathways out of Afghanistan, a process to equitably and efficiently welcome Afghans, who are still in Afghanistan or in other host countries, to the U.S., and expand and expedite access to life-saving refugee protections.

It is critical we raise our voices to urge Congress to take immediate action to ensure the passing of an Afghan Adjustment Act, legislation that would give Afghan arrivals the chance to apply to become lawful permanent residents. It is equally important that Congress hold the Biden administration accountable to continue evacuations of at-risk Afghans in Afghanistan and third countries, create a categorical parole program for Afghans, and waive humanitarian parole application fees.

Here are the top ways to take action:

  • Contact Your Members of Congress: Go to to send an email to your Members of Congress.
  • Participate in Virtual Advocacy Days: Join CWS, as a member of the Evacuate Our Allies coalition, in national virtual advocacy days on November 9th and November 10th. All are welcome to join to demand Congress welcome our new Afghan neighbors. RSVP here by Thursday, October 28th.
  • Amplify on Social Media: Share this message on social media using sample social here.

Thank you for taking action – and please share this information with your networks!

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