From PA Schools Work (
New census data just out reinforces the concerns raised by the district fact sheets: Pennsylvania has dropped from 44th to 45th in the share of district revenue that comes from the state – 6th from the bottom. As far as the overall percentage of revenue coming from the state, Pennsylvania has dropped to 37.9%. Overall, the U.S. average is 47% of revenue coming from the state to local school districts. In the current year, while state funding for schools was flat, PA school districts were forced to cover mandated costs that spiked by $665 million. They will be faced with another mandated cost increase of $485 million next school year for a two-year increase of $1.15 billion. This is on top of the increased costs to school districts due to COVID-19-related expenses to educate students and keep them safe during the pandemic.
You can see the PA Schools Work press release about the new census data here.
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