From Interfaith Power and Light (
Get ready for Faith Climate Action Week, being celebrated from April 5th – 14th, part of the international Earth Month celebrations in 2019! This year join with thousands of faith communities around the country to spread the word about climate change and take action on the most pressing moral issue of our time.
Order your kit now, and receive 100 postcards for your senators, an outdoor service project guide, a global warming fact sheet, a “Forest Bathing” Guide, information about a mini video photo project, and access to extra materials-all for just $24. There are a limited number of pre-printed kits, so get yours now.
Please click here to order your printed 2019 Faith Climate Action Week kit.
Our theme this year is “Our Love for Earth” This year we will find joy and rejuvenation in the natural world and reconnect to why we love and protect our planet. We encourage everyone to disconnect once and awhile from the technology that rules our days. Reconnecting with the natural world is key to improving personal health and ensuring our survival on Earth. This year we are looking for positive steps we can take to reconnect ourselves to the wonders of the natural world and encourage our elected leaders to create innovative polices that protect our planet and our communities.
The Faith Climate Action Week website provides sample sermons, worship resources, and other printable materials. With your participation, congregations in all 50 states will take part and send thousands of postcards to senators to urge them to support a Green New Deal that fits with our IPL faith principles.
Once you plan your Earth Day festivities, presentation, or other event please post them on our Faith Climate Action Week Event calendar so others in your community can find and participate in your event!
Thank you for joining the national faith movement to find solutions to climate change!
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