Tell PA Reps: Oppose Polluters’ Attempts to Weaken PA Protections

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From PennFuture (

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is slated to vote on a package of bills (HB 430, HB 507, HB 509, HB 762, HB 806, and HB 1055) that will make it easier for corporations to pollute our air, water, and public lands.

Instead of letting the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) do their jobs to develop commonsense protections against pollution, these bills would allow decisions to be made based on political calculations rather than on sound science and engineering. If passed, they will put the systems that protect our health and environment at risk and further erode Pennsylvania’s conservation heritage.

Take action now at to tell your state representative: “Stop this senseless attack and put my health before industry profit!”

Without oversight, we could see even more pipeline spills and leaks, increased air pollution, and weaker protections for clean drinking water. The General Assembly already has the authority to review and act on state environmental regulations that DEP and DCNR drafts and regulates, making these bills nothing more than a power grab that enables some legislators to pick and choose rules that benefit industry.

This legislation will do nothing to better government or environmental outcomes, but instead would add layers of bureaucracy that are intended to impede the executive branch carrying out its constitutional duty to protect and conserve the environment.

We already defeated these bills last session and we can do it again – but we need to act now. Urge your state representative to vote against this dangerous package of bills.

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