Sign Petition—No Train/Truck Deliveries of Liquified Natural Gas from PA to NJ

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From the Better Path Coalition (

We need your help stopping a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project before it starts. Many of you have already signed our petition calling on the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) to say NO to a permit that would set in motion plans to move fracked liquefied methane gas from northern Pennsylvania via trucks and trains to Gibbstown, New Jersey where it would be transferred on to massive ships for export. Thank you!

Word has it that the DRBC’s vote could as early as mid-September, so we’re asking those of you who haven’t already signed to please add your names. And we’re asking all of you to share the petition with your networks. Here’s the link to share.

The transport of LNG poses unique safety hazards. Our partners at the Delaware Riverkeeper Network describe it this way. “An LNG release boils furiously into a flammable vapor cloud 620 times larger than the storage container. An unignited ground-hugging vapor cloud can move far distances, and exposure to the vapor can cause extreme freeze burns. If in an enclosed space, it asphyxiates, causing death. If ignited, the fire is inextinguishable; the fire is so hot that second-degree burns can occur within 30 seconds for those exposed within a mile. An LNG release can cause a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. The explosive force of LNG is similar to a thermobaric explosion – a catastrophically powerful bomb. The 2016 U.S. Emergency Response Guidebook advises fire chiefs initially to immediately evacuate the surrounding 1-mile area. No federal field research has shown how far the vapor cloud can move, so in the most recent serious Plymouth, Washington, LNG fire, they evacuated a 2-mile radius.”

Do you want to be in the car behind that truck that crashes or at the crossing where that train derails? Those of us on the proposed route don’t want that either. Do you want the DBRC to guarantee years more of climate-killing natural gas production and consumption by effectively green-lighting the industry’s expansion into new markets overseas? Neither do we. We need your help in sending the strongest message we can to the DRBC to tell them put our safety first and vote NO! Please sign and share our petition

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