Tell PA Legislators NO to Rollbacks in Environmental and Health Protections

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From the Clean Air Council (

Extreme lawmakers in Harrisburg are pushing a package of five bills in the House that would gut public health and safety protections while advancing the interests of industrial polluters. The bills are designed to roll back environmental standards by imposing arbitrary and unnecessary hurdles in the rulemaking process, making it nearly impossible for state agencies to protect Pennsylvanians’ drinking water and air quality and keep the public safe.

Take action today at to demand that House extremists stop attacking critical environmental and health protections.

Pennsylvania already has one of the most robust regulatory review processes in the country.  There are multiple opportunities for stakeholder input and for lawmakers to influence the creation and enforcement of regulations through legal pathways. The proposed bills would create a new mechanism to review and roll back safety standards, block agencies from fining industry when it violates the law, and allow the use of third-party consultants to approve environmental permits.

Take action now to stop this outright attack on our state agencies and their ability to protect our health, safety and environment.

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