No Surprise Act Will Help PA Families—Report Any Surprise Bills Received

PHAN’s Executive Director Antoinette Kraus joined Governor Wolf to celebrate the passage of the No Surprises Act.

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (

Great news! After years of advocacy on the issue of surprise medical bills, the No Surprises Act is officially in effect! That means that, in most cases, surprise medical bills are illegal, and patients will only have to pay their usual in-network costs when they seek medical care.

This is a huge win for patients! Prior to the passage of the No Surprises Act, surprise medical bills were alarmingly common. In fact, 1 in 3 Pennsylvania adults received a surprise medical bill each year. This new law ensures that individuals will be able to receive the care that they need, without worrying about paying unexpected out-of-network costs.

While the new legislation is a tremendous ste

forward, there’s still more work to do. The No Surprises Act does not ban surprise bills for ground ambulances. PHAN will continue to push for an end to surprise bills in all situations. If you have received a bill following a an ambulance ride, let us know here.

Once again, thank you to everyone who advocated for lawmakers to take action on this unfair practice! Your voice truly made a difference.

PHAN is continuing to follow this issue closely to make sure patients are not receiving surprise medical bills now that the law is in effect.  If you think you may have a received a surprise medical bill, please contact our helpline at 877-570-3642, and we’ll get you started on getting it resolved.

P.S. To learn more about the No Surprises Act, read our blog post here.

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