Tell Congress: No Blank Check for Endless War

From Amnesty International USA (

The United States has been at war for 17 years, which has led to widespread human rights violations, including torture, indefinite detention and unlawful killings. Since 2001, the US has expanded its use of military force from Afghanistan, and then Iraq, into at least six other countries, including Yemen and Syria, where thousands have been killed.

We need your help to reduce the risk of repeating widespread human rights violations caused by endless global war. Take action now to prevent Congress from authorizing a blank check for endless war at

Right now, we have very little information about civilian casualties or possible war crimes committed by the US, despite plenty of evidence that both have taken place. Take action if you think Congress needs to pay closer attention to what this administration is doing with lethal force.

Instead of creating accountability for US killings, Congress is now trying to pass a new law authorizing President Trump to wage war all around the world against any armed groups he deems “terrorists” without having to publicly name those groups or even to demonstrate that they are in fact organized armed groups.

Act now: Stop Congress from authorizing a blank check to the Trump administration for endless war.

This is scary. A blank check like this means Congress gives blanket approval to the Trump administration’s endless global war. The US has expanded its lethal actions into Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Libya and even the Philippines.

President Trump has expressed a dangerous disregard for children and families trapped in war zones. Since he took office, thousands of civilians have been killed in Syria.

President Trump has said: “When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself.”

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