New Law Marks Most Significant Updates to PA Elections in 80 Years

From PA Voice (

Gov. Tom Wolf has signed into law a bipartisan measure (Act 77 of 2019) that makes some of the most significant updates to Pennsylvania election laws in more than 80 years, including several provisions that mirror Keystone Votes’ long-time platform to ensure elections are safe, secure, fair, accurate and accessible all who are eligible.

This is a tremendous victory — and it simply never would have happened without your continued advocacy and support over the years. The provisions take effect in 2020.

Read our statement about the new law HERE.

For too many decades, Pennsylvania has been in the back of the pack in terms of how we run our elections. Our election code hasn’t had serious updates since 1937.

But the changes set to take effect next year remove barriers, encourage participation and make it more convenient for eligible residents to vote, all while enhancing security through upgrades to voting systems statewide.

Among the key provisions:

  • Creating of a vote-by-mail ballot similar to no-excuse absentee voting, which gives residents a more convenient way to participate, especially for those who work nontraditional hours or who have trouble making it to polling places because of work or family commitments. This option also ensures voting for individuals with disabilities, senior citizens and rural voters who can’t get to the polls.
  • Reducing the voter registration deadline from 30 to 15 days before an election. Many residents become most interested and engaged in elections in the final weeks before Election Day, when campaigns reach their peak, so this change makes it possible for Pennsylvanians to now register when they are most engaged and cast their votes.
  • Loosening the tight absentee-ballot deadlines that currently ensnare thousands of voters every year. Mailed-in ballots now must be returned by 8 p.m. on Election Day at the county voting office. Previously, absentee ballots had to be in by 8 p.m. on the Friday before the election, which was among the strictest deadlines nationwide.
  • Providing $90 million to help counties finance replacement of vulnerable voting machines and systems, moving to voter-verifiable paper ballots that allows for audits in time for the 2020 elections.

While not much will change when you head to the polls on Nov. 5, Pennsylvania’s election landscape will be a whole new environment in 2020.

As important as these reforms are, our work isn’t finished. There is still more we can do to move Pennsylvania to the front of the pack in terms of updated elections.

But first, we need to ensure a transparent process for the implementation of these new provisions, and we need to coordinate with the state to make sure voters understand the changes and know what options they have.

Thank you again for all your work to make voting more convenient, more secure and equally accessible for all who are eligible.

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